Quit Smoking
A comprehensive approach to help you quit smoking and chewing tobacco while increasing your health, reducing stress, and preventing weight gain.
At this time you may be ready to quit smoking, have mixed feelings, or just contemplating the possibility of being tobacco free. Wherever you are on the spectrum of readiness, you can move closer to being free and clear of smoking and no longer crave tobacco, with the help of a trained professional.
The skills and techniques you learn will not only reduce your desire to smoke, but also enhance your overall health and well-being.
At this time you may be ready to quit smoking, have mixed feelings, or just contemplating the possibility of being tobacco free. Wherever you are on the spectrum of readiness, you can move closer to being free and clear of smoking and no longer crave tobacco, with the help of a trained professional.
The skills and techniques you learn will not only reduce your desire to smoke, but also enhance your overall health and well-being.
"I'd tried quitting numerous times and using just about every available method. I'd gone cold turkey, used the patch, the gum, the pills, and the inhaler. None of these worked for me, the best I did was a day without a cigarette and even then I was incredibly cranky and not at all fun to be around. Finally my wife suggested that I try hypnotherapy. I'll admit I was skeptical but at this point I was ready to try anything. I'm very glad that I did. After the sessions with Kiomi I've been smoke free. Kiomi even taught me techniques to deal with the cravings. My wife has been overjoyed! She says that I've been incredibly pleasant to be around, especially compared to my other attempts to quit." - Joe F.
Smoking Cessation Services
Most clients quit smoking in about four to six sessions. The people who attend this clinic are committed to the process and that commitment greatly increases their success. This is not a place that guarantees success in one session. You will learn valuable techniques each session that can help you kick the habit forever. There are several ways to quit smoking and chewing and many effective treatment options to choose from.
Treatment options can include, but are not limited to:
Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Your mind and body can be reprogrammed and hypnosis and NLP are a powerful tools to facilitate this. Most smoking and chewing behaviors are unconscious and very automatic. Hypnosis and NLP can help reprogram cravings, rituals and many triggers associated with tobacco. New, healthier patterns can be encoded so your behavior and thinking change which will help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Learn more about how hypnosis can help you quit smoking.
Behavioral Therapy
Smoking is a ritual and when people quit smoking, if they don't have new habits to replace the old, they often feel a significant void. They are at a loss of what to do during the times they used to smoke or chew, and may replace tobacco with eating or some other habit. Behavioral therapy teaches you how to change those rituals and habits and develop new healthy habits to last a lifetime.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
It has often been said that smoking and chewing is more of a mental addiction than a physical addiction. Often clients state they "think" tobacco calms them, increases their ability to deal with stress, improves concentration, or boosts their confidence. But when carefully examined, they realize that tobacco doesn't help them with any of these things. In fact it does far more harm than good. It's simply the belief that having a cigarette or chew, much like a placebo effect, will have a certain result that causes them to crave it. This thinking can be changed. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you change your thoughts or cognitions, which can help you quit smoking or chewing.
Stress Management
Stress can trigger the need for a cigarette. Using tobacco is a coping mechanism many people have adopted. Learning new ways of coping with stress can help you kick the habit once and for all. Instead of turning to tobacco during tough times, you can learn new skills to access your own inner strength, better manage and reduce stress, eliminating the need to smoke or chew.
Why quit smoking or chewing? The benefits of stopping are numerous - increased health, energy, lung capacity, and blood flow (which is vital for the functioning of your brain and major organs), improved smell, taste and sexual functioning. In summary, a healthier, happier, more vibrant you.
"I needed help. I have been smoking cigarettes since I was 18 years old. I am 44 years old now. I have tried everything to stop smoking: the patch, antidepressants, cold turkey, nicotine replacement gums, and group hypnosis. The hypnosis worked well for two years but during a convention in Reno, drinking drove me back to smoke again. I eventually developed loss of breathe and stamina, coughing a lot, and missing work often due to sickness. I realized I was on a downward spiral and felt hopeless, alone, and developed high anxiety.
Many smoke cessation websites claimed 100% guarantee of smoke cessation. I don't believe in 100% hypes. Then I came across this website. There was no mention or promise of 100% anything and the website seemed genuine and honest. So I called and made an appointment. Turned out to be the most important call I've ever made. You have saved my life and have made my family happier! Thank you very much." - Edward R., DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
Read more about how to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis
Let this be be your first step towards a brighter, healthier future. Call (206) 355-5776 or schedule a complimentary consultation.